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How to Decide Which Coil Resistance to Use?
May 30, 2024

When you vape, the resistance level of your coil is key. It's the part that heats up and turns your e-liquid into vapor. Different resistances can change your vaping experience a lot-more vapor, stronger flavor, or a harder hit. Understanding which resistance to choose means you can really dial in on what you want from your vape, whether that's big clouds or lasting battery life.

This article is here to guide you through choosing the right coil resistance, making it simple to customize your vaping experience to exactly how you like it. Let's get started and find your perfect match.

What is Coil Resistance?

Coil resistance is the measure of how much a coil opposes the electric current sent from your vape's battery. It's measured in ohms, and it's critical because it directly influences how quickly your coil heats up. Coils with low resistance have fewer ohms, allowing electricity to pass through easily, which means they heat up very quickly. On the other hand, coils with high resistance have more ohms, resist the electric current more strongly, and therefore take longer to heat up.

This level of resistance is a big deal for your vaping style. Go for a lower resistance coil if you're into producing lots of vapor and enjoying a warm feel with each draw. This setup gets your e-liquid vaporized swiftly, creating those impressive clouds. But bear in mind, it's also more demanding on both your battery and e-liquid supply.

If you lean towards a cooler vape and don't want the hassle of constant refills or recharges, higher resistance coils might be your thing. These coils give you a gentler throat hit and conserve your juice and battery life, which is great for vapers who prioritize longevity over cloud size.

What Is Ohm's Law and Why Is It Important for Vaping?

Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electronics that applies directly to vaping. It states that the current (I) passing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the conductor. The formula for Ohm's Law is I = V/R, meaning if you know any two of the variables, you can calculate the third.

For vapers, this is important because it determines how much heat your coil will generate. Heat affects how vapor is produced when you use your device. With a low resistance coil, your vape will draw more current from the battery. More current means more heat, which generally leads to more vapor being produced. This is why sub-ohm tanks, with coils less than 1 ohm, are popular for cloud chasing. Conversely, a high resistance coil draws less current, producing less heat and, as a result, less vapor, which may be preferred by those looking for a vaping experience similar to smoking or who want their battery to last longer.

How Can You Match Your Coil to Your Device?

Picking the right coil resistance isn't just about personal preference-it has to play well with your device's voltage, too. Every vape has a sweet spot, a range where it performs best. Choose a coil resistance too low, and it might ask for more power than your device can safely give, which we want to avoid. Go too high with the resistance, and you might not pull enough power to get those satisfying clouds.

So, where do you start? Check out what your device recommends; manufacturers usually provide a range of compatible resistances. This is your safety zone. Within this range, think about your ideal vape-lots of vapor or a discreet puff, warm or cool-and pick a coil that aligns with that vision. Staying within the recommended limits means you're vaping safely, and tweaking within those boundaries lets you personalize your experience.

What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing Coil Resistance?

When you're deciding on the resistance of your vape coil, there are several factors to weigh in. Your choice can affect not just your vaping pleasure but also how often you're recharging your device or buying new coils. Here's a rundown of what to think about:

  1. Type of E-Liquid:The viscosity of your e-liquid matters. Thicker liquids (high VG) generally work better with lower-resistance coils, which can handle the larger clouds and denser vapor these juices produce. Thinner liquids (high PG) are suited to higher-resistance coils, which are better for a smoother throat hit and clearer flavor.
  2. Vapor Production Preferences:If your priority is to produce a lot of vapor – maybe you enjoy doing tricks or just love the sensation – then low-resistance coils are your go-to. For those who prefer less vapor, perhaps for more discreet vaping sessions, high-resistance coils are preferable.
  3. Battery Capacity and Power Output: Your device's specifications play a big role. High-powered devices can easily handle low-resistance coils, while smaller, less powerful devices may perform better with high-resistance coils. This ensures you're not draining your battery too quickly or putting undue strain on it.
  4. Inhalation Technique:How you inhale can influence your choice as well. Direct-to-lung (DTL) vapers usually prefer lower-resistance coils because they support the deep inhales and large clouds DTL vaping is known for. Mouth-to-lung (MTL) vapers, who inhale like they would a cigarette, typically find higher-resistance coils more comfortable and satisfying.

Keep in mind that finding the right resistance is often a personal journey. Start by considering these factors in relation to your own preferences and device, and don't be afraid to experiment within the recommended safety ranges. With a bit of trial and error, you'll discover the resistance setting that works best for you.

How To Decide Which Vape Coil Resistance To Use

Know Your Vape's Limits:

If you have a mod capable of variable wattage that can fire at up to 80 watts, you could safely use sub-ohm coils like a 0.6 ohm or 0.8 ohm for increased vapor production. If your device is a standard pen-style or pod system designed for lower power output, stick to higher resistances such as 1.2 ohms to ensure device compatibility and prevent damage.

Match With Your Juice:

For e-liquids with high VG content, meant for cloud chasing, you might opt for lower resistance coils like 0.6 ohms.

For e-liquids with higher PG content, which provides stronger throat hit and flavor, a 1.2-ohm coil would be more suitable.

How Do You Like to Inhale?

  • Mouth-to-Lung (MTL): MTL vapers, looking for an experience similar to smoking, should choose higher resistance coils like 1.2 ohms.
  • Direct-to-Lung (DTL): For those who prefer DTL vaping, which allows larger inhales and more vapor, a lower resistance such as 0.6 ohm would be ideal.

Cloud Size Matters:

If you want large clouds of vapor, a lower resistance coil is preferable. A 0.6-ohm coil on a high-wattage device will produce much more vapor than a 1.2-ohm coil on a low-wattage device.

Taste vs. Throat Sensation:

For intense flavor and a more pronounced throat hit, higher resistance coils (like 1.2 ohms) generally perform better, especially when paired with high-PG e-liquids. If you prefer smoother inhalation with decent flavor, a 0.8-ohm coil could provide a good middle ground.

Making Them Last:

Using a 1.2-ohm coil tends to conserve battery life and e-liquid compared to using a 0.6-ohm coil. If longer vaping sessions without frequent recharging or refilling are important to you, higher-resistance coils are advisable.

Learn As You Go:

Start with a coil resistance recommended by your device manufacturer and adjust based on your personal experience. If you find that the vapor is too warm or the battery drains too quickly, you may want to increase the coil resistance. Conversely, if the vapor production is lacking, you could try a lower resistance coil.

What Are the Common Types of Coils and Their Resistances?

  • Standard Resistance Coils: These coils usually have resistances above 1 ohm. They're often used by vapers who prefer a mouth-to-lung (MTL) style that mimics traditional cigarette smoking. Standard coils are great for a tight draw, clear flavor, and they work well with high-resistance setups which help in conserving battery life and e-liquid consumption
  • Sub-Ohm Coils: With a resistance lower than 1 ohm, sub-ohm coils are preferred by those who enjoy direct-to-lung (DTL) vaping. They produce more vapor and can create a more intense flavor. If you're about those big clouds, this is probably where you'll land. Remember, these coils will go through more e-liquid and battery power due to their higher heat output.
  • Rebuildable Coils: For vapers who like to tinker and customize their experience, rebuildable coils are a go-to. They come in various materials and allow you to build your own coils to your exact resistance preferences. This type is more advanced and requires a good understanding of Ohm's Law and coil building techniques to use safely.

      Each type of coil offers a different experience, and there's no right or wrong choice-it's all about what suits your personal preference and your device's capabilities. Always refer to your device's manual for guidance on compatible coil types and resistances to ensure optimal performance and safety.

      Comparing Coil Resistances: 1.2 Ohm vs. 0.6 Ohm vs. 0.8 Ohm


      0.6 Ohm Coil

      0.8 Ohm Coil

      1.2 Ohm Coil

      Resistance Level

      Mid-range (Sub-ohm)

      Sub-ohm (Higher than 0.6, lower than 1)


      Vapor Production




      Power Requirement

      Higher (needs mid to high-wattage devices)

      Moderate (needs moderate wattage)

      Lower (suitable for low-wattage devices)

      Battery Life

      Shorter due to higher power consumption



      E-Liquid Consumption




      Throat Hit

      Smoother compared to high-ohm coils

      Moderately smooth

      Stronger, more similar to traditional cigarettes

      Flavor Intensity

      Usually less intense than high-ohm coils

      Balanced flavor intensity

      Can be more intense due to higher temperature at the coil

      Heating Rate

      Faster, heats up quickly

      Moderately quick

      Slower, takes longer to heat up


      Direct-to-lung (DTL) vaping, which produces more vapor

      A mix between MTL and DTL styles; versatile

      Mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping, similar to cigarette smoking

      Final Thoughts

      Pay attention to the flavor, throat hit, and the amount of vapor to find your sweet spot. Start with the coil resistance that your device manufacturer recommends and adjust based on how it feels to you during use. It might take some experimenting to find what's just right, but that's the best way to dial in your ideal vaping experience. Just remember to stick within the safe range recommended for your device to keep things smooth and enjoyable.

      XROS 4 - VAPORESSO Store

      XROS 4



      GEN 200 (iTank2)

      GEN 200 (iTank2)





      GEN 200 (iTank2)
      GEN 200 (iTank2) $72.90 Learn More
      ECO NANO PRO $22.40 Learn More
      XROS 4 Nano
      XROS 4 Nano $32.20 Learn More
      XROS 4 Mini $22.90 Learn More


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